This has been a very looooooong week. After Brian had to work last Saturday, he started back to class on Monday. The snow days on Tuesday and Wednesday would have been great, except for the other challenges that appeared this week. Owen started teething (four teeth trying to come in on top). After that, he started getting sick, then really sick. I took him to the doctor and he tested positive for RSV. He's on 3 meds that should help to prevent his bronchiolitis from getting worse, but there's really not anything we can do for the actual virus. I was told he could run a fever for four days. This is day two of the fever and it has been about an average of 102 with us alternating the ibuprofen and Tylenol every three hours. The doctor also said that he would probably have symptoms (cough, congestion, etc.) for two or maybe even three weeks. He will not be contagious that whole time, just up until 24 hours after the fever ends. I'm praying fervently that with religious hand washing and hand sanitizer, I can keep the other children from getting sick. From the information the pediatrician gave me, it looks like they will probably be ok since they are over two and have probably already been exposed to it.
I've enjoyed having Brian home tonight. Owen fell asleep on him before dinner.
It was really sweet until he woke up and threw up all over both of them. He's in bed now, but I get the feeling that we will not be sleeping any more tonight than we did last night, which wasn't much. Unfortunately Brian has to work this entire 3-day weekend too, so I will continue to fly solo. He's had to work quite a few Saturdays this past couple of months, but that's actually not usually a part of his job. There has been a bunch of bank merger testing, etc. that has to be done on the weekend. He may even have to travel in Feb. for this, but I'm praying not.
My blog is titled "Praise Him for..." for a reason, and so, although it has been a terrifically challenging week, I am happy to share the many things for which I will praise the Lord:
- No one else has gotten sick.
- Owen's oxygen percentage has not gotten so low that he would have to be hospitalized.
- The rest of Brian's school semester, though challenging, will seem like "cake" after this past week!
- As we have been stuck in the house a LOT this week, I have saved money on gas.
- I have really been enjoying my quiet time with the Lord this week.
- My nurse mom and PA sister have helped this week to put my mind at ease, provide advice, and willingly listen to my concerns for Owen.
- Friends have helped me by transporting Sydney from school and both girls to church activities this week so that I wasn't forced to take Owen out as much.
- My friend, Mary, and I were able to meet this week to discuss plans for the new women's ministry we are privileged to lead. I can't wait to see what God is going to do!
- I will thank God in advance for healing Owen from his illness, and praise Him that it is not something more serious.