Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts. 1 Chronicles 16:9
My children crack me up. Night before last, Brian went to get Avery out of the tub and there was "dirt" all in the water. When asked if she poopied in the water she very matter-of-factly stated that, "It just came out of my bottom, but I picked it up and put it in the potty." YUCK!
This evening after dinner, the kids enjoyed watching Daddy mow the yard. Sydney spent the entire time acting like a sad little kitten that was devastated that there would no longer be long grass to lay in. All the while, Avery lovingly played with her hair and comforted the sad kitty. Emerson stood to the side staring longingly at Daddy, while wearing a pink bunny mask upside down on his head and periodically picking his nose.
After all of this fun, we went upstairs for baths where Emerson slipped in the tub and broke his tooth (that actually wasn't that funny).
To end the evening, when I asked Avery what song she wanted me to sing she said, "The Pray for the Pants song," which is actually her longer title to the song she usually calls, "The Pants song." The actual song is "As the Deer Panteth for the Water."
Never a dull moment!
oh my gosh, erin - you are a gifted blogger. you paint the most vivid pictures (i mean i didn't particularly enjoy the poopie pic, but hey - it definitely comes with mommy territory!) avery hair is getting long. i miss you and your kiddos!!