The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. Psalm 145:14
I was just thinking about Owen and how hard he has been trying to crawl. Something about his struggle really made me think of myself. First, let me explain what he's been doing...he's been trying to crawl for over a month now. He gets into almost a perfect position and gets really excited. He just can't get his one foot to come out from under his tush. He struggles for a while and then ends up on his stomach. If I help him get his foot out from under him before he does the tummy flop, then he looks like he'd be ready to go. However, in a matter of seconds he picks that foot up so that he's on one knee and the toes of his other foot and then pushes backwards into a sitting position. Then he yells in frustration, because not only did he not crawl, but he has pushed himself further away from where he wanted to go. This is the part that reminds me of myself. Sometimes I think I'm trying so hard to "get" somewhere in my life (figuratively speaking). I can even feel the Lord nudging me in the right direction and whispering to my soul, "Do it this way." Unfortunately, a lot of times I am so stubborn and determined to do it my way that I just end up further from where I want to be. Thankfully, God is patient, and eventually I figure out what He's been trying to show me all along. Having said that, I know Owen will get the crawling thing one day, and then, there will be no stopping him!
Thanks for this reminder Erin!