As you can probably guess from my post title, I'm beat! This has actually been a pretty typical day for me, but I didn't sleep that great last night, so I'm even more wiped out than I usually am at the end of the day. It was a good day, though!
I got my flu shot this morning. The nurse at the Walgreen's took mercy on me waiting with 3 kids. She asked the two "sick" appointments that were ahead of me if they wouldn't mind waiting for 5 minutes more while I got my flu shot. Both the young girl and older lady that she asked were happy to oblige. I'm guessing they realized that it would probably be to all of our benefit to have me in and out of there with my entourage!
The weather has been great, maybe even a little bit warmer than I like this time of year, but I won't complain knowing that soon enough we'll be freezing! Avery and Emerson spent much of the morning outside on the playground. Owen loves it too, but he has almost outgrown the "sitting on a blanket" stage. He isn't quite crawling yet, but he tries. Also, he spends his entire time pulling the blanket closer and closer to him until he can reach the grass. If I get distracted for one second (which happens often), he ends up with a nice mouthful of dirt. That being said, today I lugged our older pack and play outside and put it in the one shady spot in our yard, right next to the playground. I gave him a few toys, but he was just so happy to be outside, I'm not sure he even needed them. Avery and Emerson would climb up the playground and stand on the deck above him and talk to him. He thought that was hysterical.
This afternoon, I decided not to go to the YMCA before the kids' swimming lessons to work out like I usually do on Thursdays, mainly because I haven't felt that great today and my arm is sore from the flu shot. I know...excuses, but I think those are pretty good ones. Instead, after Sydney got home, we went up to Target, and I let everyone get a snack. (This is a big treat for them.) Then we wandered around looking at the Halloween decorations and trying to find red hairspray for Sydney to use when she is Jessie (from Toy Story 3). No luck. All we found were fluorescent colors. She can't use it at school anyway.
Side note: This year for Halloween everyone is going to be a Toy Story 3 character. Emerson will be Buzz Lightyear, Sydney will be Jessie, Avery will be Barbie (in her Toy Story 3 exercise outfit), and Owen is going to be one of the little green alien squeaky toys. Emerson got his costume for his birthday, and I bought Owen's, but otherwise we are just using stuff we already had. That's always nice on the pocketbook!
Back to our day: After our Target window shopping, we went up to the YMCA for swimming lessons. Avery and Emerson are in a class of just the two of them in the baby pool and Sydney is in a class with four other kids in the bigger pool. It's great because their classes meet at the exact same time, and while they swim, I feed Owen dinner poolside.
After that, we raced home for a quick dinner, bath, bedtime. Whew! As I type this it is after 8:30. The boys and Avery went to bed a little after 7:30, and Sydney went to bed at 8. This may sound early, but it is normal for my kiddos. I have been thinking that everyone is sleeping soundly since then, but about a minute ago, Emerson broke out into his nightly concert. Usually this includes, the "ABC" song, "Holy, holy, Hallelujah, He reigns..."(sung over and over), and "Jesus Loves Me". Wait....he just stopped. That was a short one.
I might go eat some dinner now. Then I'll probably read while I wait for Brian. This is an earlier school night for him. (He should be home by 9:30.) As tired as I am, I know it's probably worse for him, so it's pretty much lights out after we catch up for about 30 minutes. Aaaah, bedtime...zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
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